So many times I loved,
So many times I cried
So many times my life broke into pieces
And so many times I stand up from a big fall.
Here I am again
Standing strong,
Broken and crumpled
But I am still me
I know where I am going
And I know where I need to be
Why do happiness is so hard to find
Why do life is so bad to me
I do my best to reach out
But happy life always escapes.
Is this a test
Is this a struggle
This can be a challenge
But this things should be accepted
I am still here
Standing as a whole ME
So many times I cried
So many times my life broke into pieces
And so many times I stand up from a big fall.
Here I am again
Standing strong,
Broken and crumpled
But I am still me
I know where I am going
And I know where I need to be
Why do happiness is so hard to find
Why do life is so bad to me
I do my best to reach out
But happy life always escapes.
Is this a test
Is this a struggle
This can be a challenge
But this things should be accepted
I am still here
Standing as a whole ME