We always say, “I am done, I will forget it”. The we cry, we stumble and sometimes it is a fall of our life. This time you don’t know where to end. We think that this is the end of our life. But we start to face the truth that we are here with a mission. We stand up and face the truth. We struggle and fight the truth that the love that we have planted was gone. But is it really gone? Is it really over? Will you treat that as a history of your life. Love will always be there, it may fade but it will not be lost completely for sure.
When we say love, it is very broad. It maybe parental love, brotherhood, friendship or even intimate love. Let us focus on a mutual love of a man and a woman or even a man to a man as a homosexual. We had our first, second, third, fifth or until we had our marriage. But every love that we have encountered have we forget those people? I think no. And I am sure that we did not forget them. If we fall in love we put a space in our heart for that person and inculcate in our mind and we cannot forget him or her. We think, we dream and even spend a time for him or her. So it is not true that it ends. We say that first love never end. That’s true. If it is real love, the person that we first love is the one that is so fortunate that captures our heart. We can never forget that person that is for sure.
I would like to share something about my first love. Let us use the word HIM for pointing to the person I do love for the first time. I did fell in love with him for the first time I saw him in my job. He is witty enough and smart. Philosophical but true. I cannot compare his smartness and composure to any other people inside the office. I do not look for physical attributes for a person because what I want is the ability to think and how smart he maybe. In that case I did fell in love with him. Until the time that we loved each other and stayed for almost a year and a half or almost 2 years. We have time for each other, we understand each other and we make it a point that we talk about us to make the things go smoothly. Until the time that he needs to go back to his country for future studies. I cry, my life was empty and I cannot do anything. I say that it was the end of my life. But it wasn’t. So I am here in Saudi Arabia to continue my life and forget him. And you may say, “did I forget him?” I will say NO. I just put away myself to the places that I may remember him. I just take a chance to move on. I just make a point that I live my life as it should be. But really I am not able to forget him. Now that I have my second love, I set him as my standard. He is my measuring device. If somebody can be in his place or almost like him then it will be a good person for me. He is in my mind when somebody wishes to capture my heart and I tell that person that you should have this and I will be like this to you. It is not a condition but it is a measurement of what I can give and what he can give to me. My second love is much more than what my first has. But because of the standard that was set of my first love I was able to get a better man for me. So in that view I cannot forget him yet, He may fade in my heart but still he has space in my heart.
In some ways they say that the love that they have given was gone already. IS this really true? Because they feel guilty of what they have done. They feel angry to what happened. They feel insecure to the one that replaced you in his heart. That’s why they say that their love for him or her was gone. But still is it really gone? You will not be angry, insecure, jealous, guilty if you are not in love with him or her still. You will not feel that way if that person has no space in your heart. If that person has no space in your heart then why will you be angry, why will you jealous, guilty and why will you think of that person? That is some questions that we need to answer to clarify if your love was gone already or it has ended.
Sometimes we say that we already forget that person and what is lefty in our heart is the scar of love. So what does it mean to have a scar. That means that the wounds of broken heart was engraved still and that scar represents the space of that person in your heart. It just needs a fire to start the spark of love again to that person. Scar represents the love that we have planted but it was not watered enough to grow. The scar represents the seeds of love that we have grown and was propagated to a certain period of time. That means that if the seeds will be watered again with a very precious love of the person it will grow again. Or if somebody will fulfill the seeds of love and let it grow again but the seeds was propagated of your first love. First, second or the nth love that we have overcome and the heartaches that we felt because of love, we cannot still forget them. They can set as the standard of a new love or they can be a measuring device for our next love.
In clarity, love does not ends. It just fades to a very pale colour waiting to another person to give it a wonderful rainbow color again. We cannot forget people we loved. We cannot say that our love to them ends already. Scar of love I there. The color just fades and the seeds that you and him has propagated is still waiting for new love. LOVE NEVER ENDS. LOVE IS EVERYWHERE It just needs a good heart to make it meaningful. Just keep loving because we can make people happy and we will be remembered.